Delisa Rose

So Fresh and So Clean: The Ultimate Move-In Cleaning Guide

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Moving into a new home can be both exciting and overwhelming. One of the most important steps in this process is ensuring your house is clean and ready for move-in day. This involves more than just a quick sweep and mop. A deep and thorough cleaning not only creates a comfortable living environment, but it also helps to maintain the value of your property. In today’s post on the Delisa Rose blog, we will walk you through some essential steps to get your new home sparkling clean and move-in ready.

Breathe Easy While Cleaning

The first step in making your new home move-in ready is to ensure your own safety. Dust, pollen, and other allergens can easily become airborne during the cleaning process, posing respiratory risks. Wearing a mask while cleaning can help prevent you from inhaling these particles. Choose a mask that fits snugly over your nose and mouth, and make sure to change it if it becomes damp or dirty. Additionally, wearing gloves can protect your skin from harsh cleaning chemicals. Remember, your safety should always come first.

Deep Dive into Carpet Cleaning

Carpets can harbor a surprising amount of dust, dirt, and allergens. A simple vacuuming might not be enough to thoroughly clean them. If your new home has carpets, consider investing in a deep cleaning. This could involve hiring a professional carpet cleaning service or renting a carpet cleaner and doing it yourself. Deep cleaning your carpets before moving in will ensure they are free from hidden dust and allergens, providing a cleaner and healthier living environment.

Breathe Better, Boost Value

Improving the air quality in your new home is another critical step in the cleaning process. Installing a whole-house air purification system can help remove airborne pollutants such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores. Not only will this lead to better air quality and potentially improved health, but it can also boost your home’s appraisal value if you ever decide to sell. It’s a win-win – a cleaner, healthier home now, and a higher sale price later. If a whole-home purifier is too costly, consider a plug-in purifier that garners top reviews. 

De-Funk the Bathroom: Disinfect to Protect

Bathrooms can be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Therefore, a thorough disinfection is crucial. Pay special attention to high-touch surfaces like faucets, door handles, and light switches. Use a high-quality disinfectant cleaner to wipe these areas down. Don’t forget about less obvious areas, such as shower curtains and bath mats. These items can often be machine washed, making it easy to ensure they’re clean and germ-free.

Install a New Range Hood

If your new home doesn’t already have one, consider adding a range hood to your stove. You can find models for under your cabinets or versions that fit perfectly for islands with a stove. This handy appliance helps to vent out grease, smoke, and odors that occur during cooking, keeping your kitchen cleaner and smelling fresher. Plus, it can also help reduce the buildup of grease on cabinets and walls, making future cleaning tasks easier.

The Importance of Cleaning Inside Cabinets

Finally, don’t forget about the inside of your cabinets. These spaces often get overlooked during the cleaning process, but they can collect dust and grime just like any other area in your home. Empty each cabinet, wipe down the interior with a damp cloth and mild cleaner, and let it dry before putting anything back in. This will ensure your dishes, cookware, and food are stored in a clean environment.

In conclusion, preparing your new home for move-in takes a bit of elbow grease, but the results are well worth it. By following these steps, you can ensure your home is clean, comfortable, and ready for you to start your new chapter.

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